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The detailed information and tips of Mercenary Kings
Mercenary Kings is a massively multiplayer online mobile game, Clash of the Titans in Greek mythology as the background. You can hire other players for you! You can also enjoy the fun of PK, but also with other players real-time online chat, Come create your own guild, led by brothers kill BOSS, winning guild war, occupied the highest honor of Crete.
At first glance, this Mercenary Kings likes to be a "Metal Slug" tribute imitation of work - and to a certain extent, it really is. However, Tribute Games also loaded some RPG elements into relatively modern: synthesis. Each level is more or less full of parts and materials, players can collect, synthesize different weapons, or even detailed weapon accessories. According Tribute shows presentation video, "all kinds of weapons can be described as the development of countless, infinite possibility."
Game key
WASD key = move
K key = jump
J = melee attack
L = roll
N = shot
H key = toggle props
Spacebar = change the magazine
Enter key = big map
Next, let’s talk about the tips and skills. Square is clearly self-explanatory by the square or depending on your shooting bullets, also maintained with X, but it is possible to jump three "jump", you can use it depends on how hard you press the button. Round your scrolling and simple enough, triangle is your melee attack, which is a bit like Resident Evil 5 and 6, they give you ridiculous a little bit, if you actually use the knife in the game, if you are using at the right time you melee attacks that can deflect bullets, it depends on the owner and location is very advantageous.
I found the early rounds device is cumbersome, too much time spent in the options menu, hold L1 and fighting distracting you. Fortunately, you can change the device you want to have the wheel, it's my choice to move it to the arrow keys key, give it a rapid flow in the battle.
In the game reload is a little tricky transaction itself, because people say, this is war-like gear to reinstall the system, you try to reinstall your timing so that you press R1, the green part of the "perfect Refresh" to the inside you have people plus 10% of the damage to your bullet for you just reload the magazine.
As the weapons, assault Rifles- Shoot in usually 3 Round Burst or Fully Automatic depending they are good balanced weapons with medium weight, medium to long range. Sub Machine Guns- Fastest Rate of Fire, Short to Medium Range, good for handling close or medium range targets, but lower damage compared to other weapon classes. is a very professional game sales site, you can buy your favorite products with the lowest price. We have the cheapest Mercenary Kings coins and we will offer the most comfortable service for you. If you have any question, welcome to consult us.